sblg – static blog utility

v0.5.3, 2019-08-16

This is an example of an individual article. It consists of a template (article.xml) merged with article contents.

How should one write articles?

Posted by
Kristaps Dzonsons

Articles are fragments or full XML documents (usually HTML5). The simplest article is structured as follows:

<article data-sblg-article="1"> <header> <h1>Title</h1> <address>Kristaps Dzonsons</address> <time datetime="2013-01-01">1 January, 2013</time> </header> <aside> The article's <b>summary</b> </aside> <code>Mu.</code> </article>

An article is any <article data-sblg-article="1"> Boolean attribute. The article publication time is parsed from the first <time datetime=""> first <header>. The title is parsed from the first <hn> tag (where n = 1–4), as is the author from the <address> tag. These are used to order articles on the main page and title the article page. Both of these are optional — the system will default to Untitled article, Unknown author, and the file's ctime, if no information is otherwise provided. Furthermore, the first <aside> is used for the Atom summary.

Articles are linked into a front page as follows (and omitting the surrounding HTML stuff):

<body> <nav data-sblg-nav="1" data-sblg-navsz="1" /> <article data-sblg-article="1" /> <article data-sblg-article="1" /> </body>

Here, the <article> is replaced by ordered article data, with a little permanent link thing following. The <nav> is replaced by newest-first blog posting history. The rest is up to you. The sblg(1) manual contains all the details.