The following is a list of all functions found in kcgi library and its bundled libraries. The index is automatically generated.
- kcgi_buf_write(3): buffer functions for kcgi
- kcgi_buf_putc
- kcgi_buf_puts
- kcgi_buf_write
- kcgi_strerror(3): get kcgi error message string
- kcgi_strerror
- kcgi_writer_disable(3): disable further writer allocations
- kcgi_writer_disable
- kcgihtml(3): HTML output for kcgi
- khtml_attr
- khtml_attrx
- khtml_close
- khtml_closeelem
- khtml_closeto
- khtml_double
- khtml_elem
- khtml_elemat
- khtml_entity
- khtml_int
- khtml_ncr
- khtml_open
- khtml_putc
- khtml_puts
- khtml_write
- kcgijson(3): JSON output for kcgi
- kjson_array_close
- kjson_array_open
- kjson_arrayp_open
- kjson_close
- kjson_obj_close
- kjson_obj_open
- kjson_objp_open
- kjson_open
- kjson_putbool
- kjson_putboolp
- kjson_putdouble
- kjson_putdoublep
- kjson_putint
- kjson_putintp
- kjson_putintstr
- kjson_putintstrp
- kjson_putnull
- kjson_putnullp
- kjson_putstring
- kjson_putstringp
- kjson_string_close
- kjson_string_open
- kjson_string_putdouble
- kjson_string_putint
- kjson_string_puts
- kjson_string_write
- kjson_stringp_open
- kcgiregress(3): regression framework for kcgi
- kcgi_regress_cgi
- kcgi_regress_fcgi
- kcgixml(3): XML output for kcgi
- kxml_close
- kxml_open
- kxml_pop
- kxml_popall
- kxml_prologue
- kxml_push
- kxml_pushattrs
- kxml_pushnull
- kxml_pushnullattrs
- kxml_putc
- kxml_puts
- kxml_write
- khttp_body(3): close the HTTP header sequence for kcgi
- khttp_body
- khttp_body_compress
- khttp_fcgi_free(3): free a FastCGI instance for kcgi
- khttp_fcgi_child_free
- khttp_fcgi_free
- khttp_fcgi_init(3): initialise a FastCGI context for kcgi
- khttp_fcgi_init
- khttp_fcgi_initx
- khttp_fcgi_parse(3): parse a FastCGI instance for kcgi
- khttp_fcgi_parse
- khttp_fcgi_test(3): test whether kcgi is using FastCGI
- khttp_fcgi_test
- khttp_free(3): free a CGI instance for kcgi
- khttp_child_free
- khttp_free
- khttp_head(3): emit one HTTP header for kcgi
- khttp_head
- khttp_parse(3): parse a CGI instance for kcgi
- khttp_parse
- khttp_parsex
- khttp_template(3): emit filled-in templates for kcgi
- khttp_template
- khttp_template_buf
- khttp_template_fd
- khttp_templatex
- khttp_templatex_buf
- khttp_templatex_fd
- khttp_write(3): write HTTP content data for kcgi
- khttp_putc
- khttp_puts
- khttp_write
- khttpbasic_validate(3): validate an HTTP basic authorisation request
- khttpbasic_validate
- khttpdigest_validate(3): validate an HTTP digest request
- khttpdigest_validate
- khttpdigest_validatehash
- kmalloc(3): memory allocation functions for kcgi
- kasprintf
- kcalloc
- kmalloc
- krealloc
- kreallocarray
- kstrdup
- kutil_epoch2str(3): format and parse time for HTTP operations
- kutil_date2epoch
- kutil_date_check
- kutil_datetime2epoch
- kutil_datetime_check
- kutil_epoch2str
- kutil_epoch2tmvals
- kutil_epoch2utcstr
- kutil_invalidate(3): invalidate a kcgi input pair
- kutil_invalidate
- kutil_log(3): format log messages
- kutil_err
- kutil_errx
- kutil_info
- kutil_log
- kutil_logx
- kutil_verr
- kutil_verrx
- kutil_vinfo
- kutil_vlog
- kutil_vlogx
- kutil_vwarn
- kutil_vwarnx
- kutil_warn
- kutil_warnx
- kutil_openlog(3): configure log message sink
- kutil_openlog
- kutil_urlencode(3): URL formatting for kcgi
- kutil_urlabs
- kutil_urldecode
- kutil_urldecode_inplace
- kutil_urlencode
- kutil_urlpart
- kutil_urlpartx
- kvalid_string(3): predefined validation functions for kcgi
- kvalid_bit
- kvalid_date
- kvalid_double
- kvalid_email
- kvalid_int
- kvalid_string
- kvalid_stringne
- kvalid_udouble
- kvalid_uint