KJSON_OPEN(3) Library Functions Manual KJSON_OPEN(3)

kjson_openopen kcgijson context

library “libkcgijson”

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <kcgi.h>
#include <kcgijson.h>

enum kcgi_err
kjson_open(struct kjsonreq *req, struct kreq *r);

Zeroes and initialises a new context req with the underlying kcgi(3) context r as allocated with khttp_parse(3) or khttp_fcgi_parse(3). It should only be called after khttp_body(3).

The scope open after initialisation is the "root" scope, which accepts similar content as arrays such as kjson_putstring(3) instead of kjson_putstringp(3).

If kcgi_writer_disable(3) has been called, the process will be killed with an uncatchable signal.

Returns an enum kcgi_err indicating the error state.

Success (not an error).
Internal memory allocation failure.
The output connection has been terminated. For FastCGI connections, the current connection should be released with khttp_free(3) and parse loop reentered.
The connection is still expecting headers with khttp_head(3). Indicates that khttp_body(3) did not return with success or was not invoked. For FastCGI connections, the current connection should be released with khttp_free(3) and parse loop reentered.
Internal system error writing to the output stream.

The following outputs a simple JSON page. It assumes r is a struct kreq pointer. For brevity, it does not do any error checking.

khttp_head(r, kresps[KRESP_STATUS],
  "%s", khttps[KHTTP_200]);
khttp_head(r, kresps[KRESP_CONTENT_TYPE],
  "%s", kmimetypes[KMIME_APP_JSON]);
kjson_open(&req, r);
kjson_putstringp(&req, "foo", "bar");


Written by Kristaps Dzonsons <kristaps@bsd.lv>.

September 15, 2024 OpenBSD 7.5