ORT_LANG_JSON(3) Library Functions Manual ORT_LANG_JSON(3)

ort_lang_c_sourcegenerate JavaScript (TypeScript) interface to ort data

library “libort-lang-javascript”

#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ort.h>
#include <ort-lang-javascript.h>

ort_lang_javascript(const struct ort_lang_javascript *args, const struct config *cfg, FILE *f);

Outputs a TypeScript file to f from the parsed configuration cfg. The output consists of a namespace containing classes to populate HTML5 DOM trees. The classes accept input usually produced by ort_lang_c_header(3) or ort_lang_nodejs(3). Parameters are in args. The values in args are as follows:

const char *ext_privMethods
This string consists of classes and functions required by the produced code. It should be set to the contents of ortPrivate.ts.
const char *ns
If not NULL and non-empty, the name of the top-level namespace. This is not checked for correctness beyond that it be non-empty.
unsigned flags
Bit-field of output options.

The following output options are available:

Mark the top-level namespace as “export”.

If args is NULL, it is set to a structure initialised to zero and using the default namespace name “ort”. This will inhibit printing of the ext_privMethods data, which is probably not desired.

The output is documented in typedoc.

Returns zero on failure, non-zero on success. Failure only occurs with memory allocation errors or when writing to f.

Helper classes and functions that must be specified as ext_privMethods in the configuration. This is usually installed in /usr/local/share/openradtool.

The following emits formatting routines to standard output as read from standard input. It assumes that buf has been initialised to the contents of ortPrivate.ts.

struct config *cfg;
struct ort_lang_javascript args;
FILE *f;

memset(&args, 0, sizeof(struct ort_lang_javascript));
args.ext_privMethods = buf;

if ((cfg = ort_config_alloc()) == NULL)
  err(1, NULL);
if (!ort_parse_file(cfg, stdin, "<stdin>"))
  errx(1, "ort_parse_file");
if (!ort_parse_close(cfg))
  errx(1, "ort_parse_close");
if (!ort_lang_javascript(&args, cfg, stdout))
  err(1, "ort_lang_javascript");


Alternatively, this could be converted into a string:

char *buf = NULL;
size_t bufsz = 0;

/* Read and parse configuration as above... */

if ((stream = open_memstream(&buf, &bufsz)) == NULL)
  err(1, "open_memstream");
if (!ort_lang_javascript(&args, cfg, stream))
  err(1, "ort_lang_javascript");

/* Do something with buf of size bufsz. */


pkg-config(1), ort(3)

August 31, 2024 OpenBSD 7.5