The following plot sets are available for Extreme Values, Invariance, and Choice Probabilities
Lars-Göran Mattsson,
Jörgen Weibull.
Per Olov Lindberg.
Gumbel distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 1Weibull distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 1Weibull distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 5Weibull distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 0.5Fréchet distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 1Fréchet distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 5Fréchet distribution
Parameters: v = 1, β = 0.5Cauchy distribution
Parameters: γ = 1, x0 = 1Gaussian distribution
Parameters: μ = 0, σ2 = 1
You can also download the source archive for these pages. You'll need a UNIX
machine (uses make
) with
and gnuplot installed.
07-03-2011: added Gaussian distribution.
03-03-2011: added Cauchy distribution.
28-02-2011: now using difft to on-the-fly compute derivatives instead of depending on off-line alternatives. Also added several more alternative-parameter plots for the Weibull and Fréchet distributions.
24-02-2011: added Fréchet and Weibull distributions. Re-write most of the infrastructure (depends heavily on gnuplot instead of hand-rolled equations).
02-02-2011: added more plots of Gumbel distribution, including PostScript (EPS) colour and monochrome versions of plots, and the full archive of movie-frame stills.
24-01-2011: initial plots of Gumbel distribution.
Kristaps Dzonsons, $Date: 2011/03/08 11:13:50 $