water, water everywhere
Whales! Early morning right into a SUP and into the bay. Beach on some smooth rocks quite far from the bay and simply watched the whales for a time.
Realised that the whales were very sensitive to divers in the water—to the extent that it now seems like a bad idea to be getting in the water at all around them.
After lunch reenter in the row-boat for using the land camera.
Turned back due to the hot sun.
Finally, in the evening, the whales suddenly started engaging SUPs not far from the shore. Suited up quickly, jumped in the water and tried to engage that way. Didn’t pan out, so it’s still up in the air whether divers in the water are causing the whales discomfort.
Treated to a lecture on orcas.
Surprise serenade of tail-slapping by some bowheads out in the bay. We sleep hearing them respirate. Later we speculate this triggered different behaviour on the part of the bowheads.